Friday, January 23, 2015

OOTD: Biker chick or Equestrian?

Blogging on the side is not an easy task.  Life has been a bit crazy lately, I'll be honest, but I'm hoping to have better rhythms with blogging, working on these upcoming projects for the Sonshine Shop soon, as well as my own little projects here on the side.  

A while back I had the time to do a quick, fun set of photos on my balcony as the sun was going down.  I got so many compliments on this outfit that day that I thought it'd be fun to post this look and promote thrift store clothes.  

I realized after I put together this outfit that I sort of looked like a cross between a biker chick, and an equestrian/horse back rider person.  

You'll have to excuse the mess of my balcony in these photos.  The balcony is now clean, thankfully, but at the time, it hadn't swept much since the weather has been colder, and been unoccupied and neglected some.  Now that I think about it, it was very warm that day that I took these photos.

I think my favorite parts of this outfit are the shirt, and the red bandana.  How patriotic is this shirt??  I dig that it says "Freedom Forever."  :-)
I will openly admit that I absolutely adore these socks that I got for free.  First of all, they are incredibly thick and warm because the brand that donated these clothes to us is a base layer brand for outdoorsey campers and skier/snow boarder types.  Which I am sort of not, although I love a good camping trip now and then.  Anyway, besides being so warm and comfy, I love that these socks have colorful cocks fighting.  It makes this outfit feel even more bada$$.  Haha.
And of course, an outfit post would not be complete without some accessories.  
I have this thing for heart jewelry, especially these days.  These bracelets look like they would match because the different shades of metal (silver, bronze, gold) but that was unintentional as I bought them all separately.  I often wear them together anyway because they match, and I love a good reminder of love.  The silver Celtic heart is my favorite I think, and I bought it at a monastery I went to recently for a retreat.  I've learned a bit about Celtic spirituality and I've come to really identify with, and love the emphasis of experiencing God in nature.  

Red bandana (old) + Freedom Forever shirt (thrifted) + Jean jacket (old) + pants (free donated) + cocks fighting socks (free donated) + black boots (thrifted) = very cheap, fun outfit of less than $10!  Go shop at the Sonshine Shop!

Some of you may be asking, "How does this girl get so much free stuff?"  I will answer that question soon.  :-)

My balcony was revived this summer, and is still in process as one of my projects.  Soon and very soon, I will post about it!  I know, so mysterious, I am.  Peace.

Monday, January 5, 2015

OOTD: Walk Like a Man?

I love having a little masculinity in outfits sometimes.  In the winter, I actually prefer to wear pants most of the time, simply to stay warm and it just feels more comfortable.

I wanted to take some photos while I still had my my Christmas decorations up in my office.  They will be coming down since tomorrow is the Day of Epiphany, the last day of Christmas, I believe.  Ever since I looked to celebrate Advent and Christmas in terms of their genuine meaning, I decided to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas until Epiphany to remind me of the joy of the season, and in a way, to prolong it.  

The cute framed Snoopy cross-stitch was a gift from my cousin from when I was very little.  I can't believe that I still have it, but I decided to pull it out and decorate my office.  

When I saw this turqoise velvet blazer at the Sonshine Shop, I couldn't resist.  It was in such great condition, and the color is lovely.  Plus, velvet is so soft and warm, although we certainly didn't need it today in Southern CA!  So sunny and warm today, and very much welcomed by me compared to last week's temperatures in the 30's and 40's (at night, that is).  Apparently, it's going to be 80 tomorrow!  The pants are so comfortable and make me think of men's trousers.  You can't tell by the photo but they are herringbone pattern, which I've always loved for formal work pants.  

I love this necklace.  It was my mom's.  She bought a set of three of these ivory necklaces a long time ago when she was single, and she gave me two of them.  Lovely, isn't it?  I will definitely be wearing the other one sometime soon.

I will never be a minimalist in terms of style.  I just love to accessorize too much, especially with jewelry.  The chunky flower bracelet, the peacock hairclip, and one of the rings is from one of my favorite jewelry vendors called Love MM Couture.  Their costume jewelry style is so gorgeous, I never thought I would love chunky, sparkly jewelry like theirs so much.  I will definitely be featuring more of their jewelry that I own.
Lastly, these amazing shoes are SSS finds as well and they were completely brand new, even still in the box.  Again, the whole outfit came together as slightly masculine, but with a few feminine jewelry pieces.  By the way, the white ceramic birds were also from the SSS, I love them as office decorations, and you will soon see that I have a thing for flowers and birds in my style! 

It appears that the SSS is closed for maintenance so I'm not sure when they'll open again this week, but I'm excited to give you all a preview of some of the items we'll be selling from Sonshine Vintage very soon!  Peace.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

OOTD: Outfit of the day

Happy New Year, ya'll!  I'm happy to post my first OOTD (outfit of the day) blog post, as I'm finding that every day practically, I am wearing something from the Sonshine Shop (SSS) thrift store.

The white cable knit sweater and the heart sweater are from the SSS, both under $5.00, in great condition, and super cute, no?

Every time I wear this skirt, I get compliments.  I call this skirt my "peacock skirt" because as you can see, it's so full of colors that remind me of bright peacock feather coloring.  If you can tell by the photo, there are some strands of iridescent silver/gold thread throughout the skirt as well.  Plus, I love that it has thin pleats all throughout.  And guess who gave it to me?!  My mom!  My mom has incredible fashion sense, and she has given me many clothes and items since she is so generous, and she just doesn't wear them anymore, she says.  I plan to showcase these clothes and jewelry in a blog series, so stay tuned.

Can you believe that I've had these adorable gloves for over 20 years?  Talk about vintage!  They were a gift from a good friend from overseas.  They are not only still in great condition but they are so cute with the seasons represented on them--spring, summer, fall, and winter.  I will be wearing them quite a bit this winter, that's for sure.

Lastly, my boots that I've worn a TON this winter so far.  They are super comfortable and go with everything.  These were also a thrift store find, practically brand new, and only $6.  I am usually wary of buying used shoes, but as I checked them out, I saw that they were hardly worn and didn't smell, which is always a plus with shoes, isn't it?  

The outfit total = free scarf (a gift) + SSS heart sweater (about $5) + SSS sweater vest (about $5) + my mom's skirt (a gift) + four season gloves (a gift) + thrifted boots (about $6) = less than $20!  This is why thrift store shopping is the way to go, people.  I'm excited to share more about the good finds that are possible.  In the meantime, go shop at the SSS located at 1971 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007, at the corner of Vermont Avenue and 20th Street directly north of the 10 freeway!  Peace.